Good Parenting Resources
MP3 files and PDFs below from various parenting seminars hosted at Covenant Life Church in Gaithersburg, MD:
Parenting Ages Infant to 5 (by Brian Chesemore)
* Training, Discipline, and the Rod | Outline (PDF)
* Biblical Principles of Parenting | Outline (PDF)
Parenting Ages 6 to 10 (by Kenneth Maresco)
Overall Outline (PDF)
* Biblical Principles of Parenting
* Shepherding Toward Conversion
* Shepherding Your Child’s Heart
Additional Resources:
* “Sowing Plan” (PDF)
* Plan to Overcome Complaining (PDF)
Parenting Ages 11 to 14 (by Greg Somerville)
Overall Outline (PDF)
* Changing Relationships
* Emerging Convictions in a Changing World
* Changing Bodies and Minds
Parenting Ages 15 to 18 (by Kenneth Maresco)
Overall Outline (PDF)
* God’s Role and Our Role
* A Teen’s Relationship with God
* The Importance of Relationships in a Teen’s Life
* Question and Answer Session
Parenting Ages 19 to 22 (by Bob Kauflin)
Overall Outline (PDF)
* Hopes and Goals
* Rules and Relationships
* College and Careers
* Question and Answer Session