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The Pursuit: Every Man’s Call to Biblical Masculinity

Click here to register online.
Who: Men ages 14 and older (must be at least 14 by the conference)

Where: Sovereign Grace Church | Gilbert, Arizona

When: November 8-10, 2007. Check in begins on Thursday at 4p. Conference begins Thursday at 7p. Conference ends Saturday at 1p

Why: Masculinity today has more definitions than ever before. Everyone from television news anchors to talk show hosts to politicians have something to say about manhood. There is a call to masculinity that can often go unheard—God’s voice on the topic. So, for three days in November come and listen again (or for the first time) to God’s direction on being and becoming a man…of God.

Registration: Register online. Opens August 1 – Closes October 10 at midnight Pacific Time. Cancellations will be accepted online until October 10th and will be charged a $20 cancellation fee for each person.

Cost: $80

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