He has told you, O man, what is good;
and what does the LORD require of you
but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?
-Micah 6:8
April News
- Ordaining Elders: April 15th. Matt Lemberg, Tim Mace, and James Walker will take Elder Vows during this Sunday to coincide with the Apostle Paul ordaining Elders in Acts 14. Be there for this special church event. Question: Why does Monument do "Plurality of Elders" as church leadership? Click here
- Invisible Children: Displace Me April 28th at Barrios Unidos Park- 1501 E. Mohave Phoenix, AZ. We all have seen the movie. We all have a bracelet. Now… experience displacement like the children/ families in Darfur. Help make a statement. So far, over 700 people have signed up. This will be a great experience! If you are interested in being a part of this event let me know.
- Boys and Girls Annual Golf Tournament: April 28th at Mission Royale. Contact Matt Lemberg if you are interested in sponsoring a team.
- SEMINARY GRADUATION: May 4th, 2007 7:00pm at Bethany Bible Church. You are invited!
- Softball: Our team is doing OK. We play on Thursday Nights usually at 7:30. Come cheer us on!
- Small Groups: We are ready to begin new small groups. Email Tim Mace if you would like to join a group.
- Blog:
www.monumentchurch.blogspot.com is the place to download any sermons. Right now, we are in Acts 14. This site is updated weekly to give you the most current sermon. To listen, just click the title of each blog entry. Each Blog entry has the title, picture, and a verse.
- Who is Monument Bible Church? click here to read our Statements of Faith.
- ESV: Why do we use the ESV from the pulpit? Click here. To read some theological and practical reasons click here.
- Fun Facts: I am currently listening to the new Ever Stays Red album. They are a local band out of Mesa, AZ and they used to play in a coffee shop Christine and I did for a college Ministry. Currently reading What Jesus Demands from the World by John Piper and They Like Jesus but not the Church by Dan Kimball.
Continue to be Evangelical, Missional, and Incarnational.
James Walker
Teaching Pastor
Monument Bible Church
602-616-1884 (m)
520-836-1790 (w)