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Monument Bible Church

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    10 New Things Going On @ Monument:

    1. www.monumentchurch.blogspot.com is staring to look good, check it out!

    - you can subscribe to the rss feed (means you get notified when we update our webpage)
    - you can subscribe to the email notification (means you get an email when we update our page)
    - you can subscribe to our teaching podcast (means you can listen anywhere with an MP3 player)
    - AND NOW YOU CAN SUBSCRIBE TO ONLINE TITHING!!! (means no more checks)

    Some have asked for an automated Tithe subscription. Now you can set up weekly donations (or bi-weekly, monthly, yearly) to be done automatically every time so you don't feel bad about forgetting your check book. (For an explanation of online tithing refer to the bottom half of this email)

    2. JOHN PIPER.
    We have purchased some tickets to the Desiring God 2006 Conference at East Valley Bible Church to hear from John Piper. It is October 21-22 (Fri-Sat). Go to our blog (www.monumentchurch.blogspot.com) to get more info. Email me back if you and a friend or spouse would like to come with us! It'll be awesome, I promise.

    was an awesome trip! Big thanks to John and Gaye Walker for letting us use their gorgeous property, fishing rods, horses, and ATVS (thanks mom and dad!) Thanks to Summer Mace for handling all the food! It was great. If you would like to donate to help cover food costs write a check (or online!) with a memo "FOOD". Thanks to John Gluch for his extra toys. And thanks to the Gluchs, Maces, Walkers, Coopers, Pittullos, and Sam for driving everyone up there. This trip would not have happened without everyones help. Again, check the blog, www.monumentchurch.blogspot.com to see pictures from the trip.

    4. DISNEYLAND. Many of you have voiced a desire for a Disneyland trip. This is still in the early works, but November sounds good to me to get a pair of golden ears! (50th! Anniversary...duh)

    5. GROWTH.
    We have a small house and you guys seem to be reproducing, so we may need to move to a bigger facility sooner than planned. The Paramont Theatre is not a signed deal, but October sometime is a likey senerio to move-it-on-up!

    6. ELDERS.
    Jesus is our senior pastor and James, Matt, and Tim are his Elders. Matt and Tim are going thru Elder training. They are studying Biblical Eldership by Alexander Strauch and Wayne Grudems Systematic Theology. Tim gave his first sermon this month and it was outstanding. Be praying for these guys as they prepare to lead, feed, and protect our church. Tim will focus on community development (just like his Beazer Job) and Matt will oversee our non-profit (just like his Boys and Girls Job).They're great guys and will be finished with training by early next year. We will have a time to comission these guys then.

    7. SMALL GROUPS. They're coming this Fall. Tim Mace is the guy to see if you are interested in leading or being in a small group. Small groups are where we pray, eat, and play together. I hope you'll join one!

    8. LIFE:
    Some ladies are taking Tap dance classes together and some guys are playing in a city softball league together. What an awesome way to be evangelical (to be in Christ), incarnational (to be in the church), and missional (to be in the culture). Let us know what you are doing to be Evangelical. Incarnational. Missional.

    9. MUSIC: Our musicians have been going crazy not getting to play before the Lord together. Come Paramount, Lord willing, in October the band will begin. Corrie lemberg and Sam Barbosa is who to contact if you would like to help with music. ( I can't wait!!!!! being a worshipper myself)

    10. MYSPACE: We our on myspace. http://www.myspace.com/monumentbiblechurch So, check it out and be a friend! We are big supporters of the One campaign, Invisible Children, and The 1000 Wells Project in Africa. You can find these ministries on our myspace or blog.

    See Ya!

    Explanation of Online Tithing
    I really love this new feature, its so easy! We use Paypal. Paypal is a safe and secure method to exchange monies. It is owned by Ebay.com and used by many large companies like Starbucks, Dell computers, itunes, The United Way, and many others.

    Proverbs 3:9
    Honor the LORD with your wealth, with the firstfruits of all your crops…
    Jesus taught that our money is an indicator of our hearts and Paul taught that if we are loved by God and love Him in return we would give cheerfully, sacrificially, and regularly.

    At Monument, you are free to give via the weekly offering in the service, by mailing your contribution in to the office, or by the internet. We welcome you to give whatever God has called you to, however God has called you to.

    In our digital age when people are increasingly paying bills and conducting commerce online, Monument has chosen to make online tithing available to those who are interested. Some may protest that in the Bible God's people never used credit to tithe, which is true. They also did not use checks or get a tax write off like we do. Nonetheless, the principle is that God's people should give and the methods vary from culture to culture.

    A pastor in a cashless bartering society may receive animals or their milk as part of a tithe. In a suburban American church the plate may pass and be filled with checks. Those who have stocks, bonds and the like also tithe them to their church. Still other Christians may give property or other goods as part of their tithe.

    The point is simply that God be honored with the first of all our wealth and in a digital economy that would include a digital tithe.

    The technology that permits online transactions via debit cards also permits giving via credit cards and makes no distinction between the two. We strongly urge no one to put their tithe on their credit card unless they are able to pay it off each month because we do not want God's people going into debt. But, if you intend to pay off your balance each month we believe that is an issue of conscience and leave that between you, God, and your frequent flier miles.

    James Walker

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