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    Why Plant a Church

    Why Plant a Church:
    • 30,000+ 2005 population for Casa Grande
    • 30% increase last 10 years
    • Average church size in Casa Grande is around 200 members
    • 30,000/ 200 is 150 churches, CG may have 15 churches at an average size.

    The unchurched demographic is not looking for an event (which is what the current church provides), they are looking for something spiritual
    • Change our methodologies (church programs are not attractive anymore)
    • Be spiritual: There is currently an extreme openness to spiritual things

    Young People don’t come to my church? (Barna)
    • 18 to 32 are least likely to describe themselves as Christians
    • 18 to 32 in the US are more open to exploring other faith
    • they avoid church: hence attendance is declining by generation
    • Institutional churches have lost influence and need to consider other approaches

    Serious Worldview shifts
    • Christian-God-centered-view Vs. self-determined-pluralistic-god-view
    • Faith found in the church Vs. in personal experiences
    • Authority was in the bible Vs. Suspicion of any authority, especially religious
    • “what is man that you think of him” (Ps. 8:4) Vs. Sheryl Crow “if it makes you happy”

    America has become the new missionary frontier
    • More countries are sending missionaries to America than America sends to them

    "The time has come the kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe the good news." Mark 1:14-15
    Jesus begins his calling of the disciples with theological urgency. The coming kingdom reign of God is at hand. In declaring the kingdom is near, he brings a fresh sense of its reality to the forefront of people's minds and hearts, and it is here that he demands a response from them. The people had become complacent to the idea that the kingdom and its reality were worthy of their devotion. Jesus cuts through their complacency by declaring the kingdom both real and present at the same time.

    A glimpse at the American Church:
    Imagine you were on a cruise ship, not too much of a stretch for some of you, and while everyone is eating the captain's voice comes over the loudspeaker saying that a seal in the lower portion of the boat has burst. The boat is taking on several hundreds of gallons of water every few minutes and it is necessary to evacuate the boat immediately. You get up from the table grabbing tightly to your wife's arm and head up to the top deck. You don't walk you run. As you get up to the upper deck you realize no on is there; in fact you can't even find a steward. You wonder if you misunderstood the captain, so you rush down the stairs and come across a ship worker. "Is the news true, are we taking on water?" you say in a panic. "Yes I heard that too, and confirmed that with a buddy of mind who works down below. The ship is going down," with that he smiles and keeps strolling toward his cabin. Confused you run back into the dining area where you heard the announcement and no one is moving. They area all eating, the band is playing, and everyone is as calm as can be. Does the scenario sound absurd? Welcome to the American church. The Titanic is sinking and we are sipping tea.
    There is nothing more staggering than complacency in the mist of an urgent crisis. How can the ships be sinking and everyone live as if life is normal? This is the state of affairs that Christ walked into in his ministry on earth, and it is the state of Christianity in America. He began leading his ministry by the call of repentance made forceful by the immanence of the Kingdom.

    Obstacles of Complacency
    1. Making the Crisis Visible
    We are quick to forget information that does not affect our day to day lives. We need to unveil the darkness of our motives for comfort and bust through the illusion that we are truly living missional lives. If you are that's great, but when it comes down to it, most people don't love lost people because they don't want to.

    2. Dispelling the Illusions of Our Culture
    The presence of church building is not a good indicator of spiritual vitalization. Nor are Christian rallies a testimony of spiritual vitality. Deep in the heart of every community there is great darkness and a need for Christ.

    3. Expect Great Things
    In John 12:12, Jesus, says, "I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these because I am going to the Father." It is an amazing reality to consider that Jesus invites us to expect a miraculous result from our faith. To expect and anticipate him doing great things through us for His glory. We have learned to not get too carried away with our faith. The church has learned that we should not expect too much from God. These are all lies from the pit of hell. I will lead you into a deeper faith. God is now and is going to keep do great things for his glory.

    4. Measuring Your Success in Relationship to Your Mission
    There are so many gauges to try to evaluate how your church plant is doing. The most important thing you can do is be faithful to your mission. Are people coming to Christ and being transformed? Is the Gospel being proclaimed and is God drawing people into your community? If you gauge success by making sure no one ever leaves your church you will fail. We need to evaluate the success of our plant by indicators that God lays out clearly in scripture. Reject false indicators... the Attendance, Buildings, Cash indicators. IE: Move them from, "Bill left the church and is mad", to adopt true indicators like, "We baptized five new believers this month."

    5. Be Honest with Yourselves and be Willing to Change
    We will not plant the perfect church. No one has. So it is important to be willing to evaluate honestly and share weaknesses with the core. People would rather believe a lie that made them feel good than a truth that hurts. We must create an appetite for honesty

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